Sunday, January 29, 2012

Venison Stew Update

Okay, so here is a pic of what it looked like after cooking all day.(pic is kinda weird) The texture of the meat was what had me worried the most, but it was just like a Pot roast to me! I was pleasantly surprised. Next time will add the potatoes half way through the day so they arent so soft and I will salt it better. Derek thought it needed salt (this coming from a man that practically has butter running through his veins). Overall, it was good. Im glad I tried it and Im sure we will make it again :)
Here is my bowl. We poured it over Jasmine rice too.

Next up, Bed! Good night...

Venison Stew!!

Today I am making Venison Stew... Yes me! I am jumping in feet first. Most people know that deer meat freaks me out but my Beloved likes it so Im gonna give it a shot. Wish me luck.

Deer Tenderlion cut in medalions
Organic Red potatoes
Organic celery
Conventional Carrots
1/3 Vidalion onion
Brown Gravy
Salt/Pepper to taste

I will put up a pic when its done.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Yummy Recipes!

So I am addicted to Pinterest, like everyone else! hahaha Anyway, I have been pinning all different recipes lately. The recipes range anywhere from salsa to different cakes. Here's the question?? How do I choose which one to make first?? Well thats where you come into play!!! Here are my top three as of today:

seven layer greek dip-OMG! 7 LAYER GREEK DIP

Buffalo Chicken Rolls - 103 calories!BUFFALO CHICKEN ROLLS

bang bang shrimp BANG BANG SHRIMP

So give me your vote and I will make the one with the most hits!!

Till then,

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Resolutions...

Hello, Hope everyone is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It has been awhile....

Okay so.... My first New Years resolution is to have more patience. FOR EVERYTHING but mainly my girls and their beautiful minds. I find myself too "busy" all the time and I feel like Im missing a lot!! So I will start 2012 praying and trying for more patience. Second, I am going to try and keep a better record of my life. First, I will keep a memory jar which I found on Pinterest. Second, I will blog more!!! Yes you get to read my crazy stuff more often..... What are your resolutions?

P.S Delaney lost her first tooth on 1/1/12!!! So cool and exciting!

Here are my baby birds :)