Tuesday, April 14, 2015

What I've been up to lately..

Hey! I've been up to some new and exciting things lately, what about you? I have started a new small business making unique accessories. I make some limited quantity and special orders, so just ask! If you know me you know I am CRAFTY PANTS!

My business is called Little Honey Darlin Face. Whats that mean? It is a combination of the nicknames I called my two girls as babies! It has very special meaning to me:)

Here is my Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/littlehoneydarlinfaceboutique

Here is my Instagram: https://instagram.com/littlehoneydarlinface/

I do have an Etsy store but I haven't added my newer accessories yet..

Have you checked out my stuff? If not, please do!


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