Friday, April 6, 2012

Children's Advil

Children's Advil: Thx #ChildrensAdvil for my free sample. $1 off coupon: Like them on FB.

I am a member of and I received a free sample of Children's Advil in the White grape flavor. Those of you that know me well know that my daughter suffers recurrent fevers so this was a blessing! Check out Smiley360 and be sure to try this Advil. It is definitely a quality product.

Monday, March 26, 2012

How do I get so much free stuff? How can you connect with me?

Hi everybody! I want to tell you a little bit about all of the sites that I am a member of. I have the usual social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and one called Aboutme. Im sure that you have heard of all them but maybe not About me. It is like an online business card to link all of your accounts together. You should check it out! I was introduced to it through BzzAgent.

People are always asking me, "How did you get that for free?"

These sites are WOM (word of mouth) marketing companies that I joined a long time ago and have really enjoyed being a member of:

BzzAgent- You sign up and they ask you to join certain Bzz Campaigns based on your profile. I have received  campaigns for Cover Girl, Burt Bees, Arnold Bread, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Claritin, Thomas Bagel Thins, Smarterer, Marzetti Greek Yogurt dip, Style Find, Trend Micro and others. With these campaigns you receive a free product to try and either samples or coupons to give away to friends and tell them about it. This is called BZZING!! Check it out!

SheSpeaks- You sign up and SheSpeaks will contact you and ask if you will participate in a program for different items. They too send you a product for you to try and give you coupons to give away. All you do in return is complete the small tasks that they ask. Its usually a short survey, or program questions. I have gotten Simple face care, Ghirardelli, etc in the mail from them. Super easy!

VocalPoint- You sign up for vocal point and they will give you opportunities to receive free products to try and also give you coupons for free stuff. I have gotten swiffer, olay, covergirl, secret, etc free in the mail from them! You fill out a short survey about your experience and that's about it.

Kraft First Taste- When you sign up its gives you access to "Offers" such as free product coupons for new Kraft products! It is really cool but you have to check the site to see if you have offers.

House Party- You sign up for House Party and complete a profile. They will send you different party packs when you are chosen. I have had parties for  Febreeze, Mexican Avocados, Johnsonville Sausage, Bic Soleil, Nabisco 100 calorie snacks, Kristin Hannah and a UL light safety party. They send you a party pack with all this free stuff! You have certain items for you and others for the guests that you invite. All in all its fun if you like entertaining. It definitely gives you a reason to have people over.

Smiley- You sign up for smiley and they send you free products based on your profile matches. They will want you to do surveys to keep your profile updated but they aren't long. After you receive the product they want to know if you like it and how it worked for you! Thats it!

Moms Meet (Mom Ambassadors)- I was just accepted into this club!! You receive free eco friendly/ natural products to sample with your playgroup. I will let you know how it goes :)

All of these companies are worth giving a shot! I enjoy it and it really isn't that time consuming. Let me know what you think and if you want to sign up/

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pizza Pancakes!

Tonight I made Pizza Pancakes for dinner. Can you say yummilicious??? 
The girls were so excited and they loved it so much that they 
packed some for their lunch tomorrow.

Here's the recipe: 
Boxed pancake mix (follow directions)
Add in:
Shredded cheese
Garlic Powder 
Onion Flakes 
While frying, sprinkle on mini pepperonis
We used ranch and garlic and herb spaghetti sauce as dipping sauces.


While frying:

Finished Product:

Whats the newest recipe you've tried lately?? 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Im a BzzAgent and it's awesome!

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I was recently given a free product coupon to try Arnold Health-Full bread from BzzAgent. We bought the 10 grain kind and it is super tasty and it only has 80 calories per slice!! My girls love it and eat sandwiches with it for lunch everyday almost. We also purchased the sourdough variety of the same brand and it was really good to.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!!!

*If you would like an invitation to join BzzAgent leave me a comment with your email address and I will send you one.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls and other yummy treats!

Yesterday, I made those tasty little treats. They were very simple to make! You can find the recipe here:

Her recipe definitely turned out crispier...hahaha!! It's okay though because I love anything buffalo chicken.
I want to thank Pinerest for making me excited to try new recipes again. I feel like such a little Housewifey!!

Here's a pic of my yummy cupcakes too:

Lemon Cupcakes with cream cheese icing..Yummy!

I also made these beauties! Rice crispies are always good and a definite crowd pleaser! Did anyone else make any good recipes this weekend??

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bacon and Corn Griddle Cakes!!

I got this recipe from Recipe Girl has a lot of yummy recipes that you should try!!! My kids loved it and Derek ate way too much of it... like always. Anyway, it was pretty simple to make and defintely worth it. Im thinking of making my own version with pepperoni and cheese with marinara as a dipping sauce. There are tons of variations you could do but this one will be the first I try!! Let me know what you think :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Venison Stew Update

Okay, so here is a pic of what it looked like after cooking all day.(pic is kinda weird) The texture of the meat was what had me worried the most, but it was just like a Pot roast to me! I was pleasantly surprised. Next time will add the potatoes half way through the day so they arent so soft and I will salt it better. Derek thought it needed salt (this coming from a man that practically has butter running through his veins). Overall, it was good. Im glad I tried it and Im sure we will make it again :)
Here is my bowl. We poured it over Jasmine rice too.

Next up, Bed! Good night...

Venison Stew!!

Today I am making Venison Stew... Yes me! I am jumping in feet first. Most people know that deer meat freaks me out but my Beloved likes it so Im gonna give it a shot. Wish me luck.

Deer Tenderlion cut in medalions
Organic Red potatoes
Organic celery
Conventional Carrots
1/3 Vidalion onion
Brown Gravy
Salt/Pepper to taste

I will put up a pic when its done.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Yummy Recipes!

So I am addicted to Pinterest, like everyone else! hahaha Anyway, I have been pinning all different recipes lately. The recipes range anywhere from salsa to different cakes. Here's the question?? How do I choose which one to make first?? Well thats where you come into play!!! Here are my top three as of today:

seven layer greek dip-OMG! 7 LAYER GREEK DIP

Buffalo Chicken Rolls - 103 calories!BUFFALO CHICKEN ROLLS

bang bang shrimp BANG BANG SHRIMP

So give me your vote and I will make the one with the most hits!!

Till then,

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Resolutions...

Hello, Hope everyone is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It has been awhile....

Okay so.... My first New Years resolution is to have more patience. FOR EVERYTHING but mainly my girls and their beautiful minds. I find myself too "busy" all the time and I feel like Im missing a lot!! So I will start 2012 praying and trying for more patience. Second, I am going to try and keep a better record of my life. First, I will keep a memory jar which I found on Pinterest. Second, I will blog more!!! Yes you get to read my crazy stuff more often..... What are your resolutions?

P.S Delaney lost her first tooth on 1/1/12!!! So cool and exciting!

Here are my baby birds :)