Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Bows for Football!!!

Hey!! I just finished making some bows for the Gators/Dawgs/Jags. Check em out!!! I am taking orders right now!!!!

* The Gator set is $10 or $4 each
* The Dawgs set is $12 or $4 each

Thanks for looking,


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hair Accessories!

Hey!! Just wanted to post up some of my recent craftings. I am selling them starting at $2.50 to $5.00 if any of you are interested.. I can make personalized colors also. The tutu and head wrap set is $10.00 for a baby and up to $30.00 for a little girl!!! They are absolutely adorable. The set pictured was made for a 2 week old!!

I have made some Florida gator bows and Jags bows also. I would love to make cheer leading or any team sports bows for you!! I am working on fall and Christmas stuff right now so let me know if you need anything in particular.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Free Shopping!!!

Okay, so recently I went free shopping! Free shopping is when you have coupons for products or services that make them free. Today I had coupons for Campbell's soup, Victoria's Secret panty and lipgloss, an Edible Arrangements 6 piece chocolate dipped fruit box and received my 28 day supply of Olay ProX Wrinkle cream from Vocalpoint.

*I received the tip for free soup from, CVS is running a 2/$1 Campbell's soup special and there is a coupon on for $1/2 soups so BAM it's free!!! Charlene is the web page owner and a saving genius and master deal finder.... Check out her site!!

* The Victoria's panty and lip gloss were 2 separate deals. The panty was a coupon card I received in the mail. It was good for a free panty with no purchase necessary and $10 off any bra. The lip gloss was free via an email I got saying if I came in and did a bra fitting I would receive a free lip gloss. You get to pick any Beauty Rush lip gloss you want!!!!

* The fruit was a gift I received for signing up to be a fan of Edible Arrangements on FACEBOOK... It is really nice.

*The Olay ProX is from a site I joined that does word of mouth marketing. They send me products to try and coupons to give away and I comment on them and tell my results!! It's totally free and a great way to try new things. If you would like a referral let me know!! FYI The Olay I received is $41.50 at Target!!!

Well thats all for now!! Talk to you soon!!

Peace n Love,

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Derek's 32nd birthday!!

Okay, so this was a fun night!! Thank you Amy B for watching my girls... Mellow Mushroom at Southside rocks BTW! They tapped a keg of Dogfish Head 120 for my man. It is the only one left in Jax! They advertised it in the Folio and everything. Derek felt really good about the turnout. The kickball team he plays on (GO MUDVILLE MULLETS) even posted a event on their website so, some of his ball peeps came!! It was really cool to see all of his coworkers/buds and clients/buds come together to celebrate with him!!!!

Website you need to check out!!

I don't now about you but I am all about saving some dollars. There is this great website you should subscribe to: She highlights coupons and store specials to find stuff for FREE or cheap!!! Did you know that Kmart does a double coupon thing? I got a bunch of stuff for free with coupons she had links to. I will start trying to do that myself to help out my peeps!!!


So, the party was fun!! I just cant believe I'm 30...... I wanted to put up a few pics so everyone that couldn't make it could check it out!! The cake is from Judy's Cakes. It is right down the road from my house. Didn't my hubby do a great job?? It had a strawberry filling with buttercream icing... DELICIOUS!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Current Craftings!!

Hey!! Wow Im finally posting again. Ive had a lazy time for awhile. So sorry!!! Well I am 30 now and life feels the same but I just feel weird, like do people know I'm 30?? Do I look thirty? It is so nutso the things I think about.
Anyway, My recent cake adventures include spongebob, hydrangeas, and a football (no pic, caus I forgot). I made the Spongebob for my friend Val, his son turned 3!!! The hydrangea cake was for my Gammie. The football was for my girl Amy's son Tai, he turned 8. These cakes were alot of fun but I think I will have loads more making cakes for the girls birthday parties.
The flowers you see are all actually barrettes!! My girls have about every flower you can imagine to wear in their hair. Ive also been making things with ostrich feathers. Next up is peacock!! I would love to have a hair bow party with my girls if your up to it!??? Just lemme know......
Peace and Love,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sunflower Cake for my Mom's Birthday

My Mom wanted a sunflower cake for her birthday. She had seen one in the store and told me that is what she wanted if I was gonna make a cake. It is a white cake with key lime filling and butter cream icing. It is really good!! We had a good day. We grilled out and played punch out on the Wii. I am sooo sore from it. It is definitely a good workout.
My next cake adventure will be a pineapple cake with buttercream icing and gum paste hydrangea on top!! Wish me luck.........
Peace n love,

Cute and Tasty cupcakes!

I made these cupcakes for my friend Randy's birthday. He turned 53 on June 6th!! He is a chef and a big help when it comes to cakes. He has made some amazing cakes in his career.
The top one is a "Watermelon cupcake". It is vanilla cake colored with chocolate chips as seeds. The icing is cream cheese watermelon. Very tasty!! The bottom one is french vanilla cake with chocolate butter cream icing. It is the first time I have made chocolate butter cream! The next time I will make an icing swirl for the watermelon ones and add more chocolate to the butter cream.

6th Anniversary Pics!!

Sorry it took so long!! We had a great night. We went to dinner at Cantina Laredo and of course the food was great. If you haven't been there, GO!! Try the strawberry mojito for sure. Derek gave me a card and inside he wrote "I love you now and always. Six down, forever to go." Isn't that so sweet?

Monday, June 8, 2009

It's my 6th Wedding Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant believe we have been married for 6 years!! I guess that saying is true "Time flies when your having fun". Man, I WAS REALLY TINY IN THIS PICTURE!! By the end of June Derek and I will have been together for 10 years. That is pretty amazing...... I love him even more. I still get excited to see him when he gets home and I look forward to the weekends we have together. My married life is great!!
I hope that all of our married friends and family out there are just as happy. I pray that they can feel this way! We need to all get together and have a celebration of marriage party. I think it would be awesome. I will make a big wedding cake that reflects everyone's wedding. It will be fantastic..... What do you think??

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Current Events.... I guess

I have learned a lot about my self lately. I have learned that I seem to attract people who are my friends when they need something and when I wanna hang they aren't around. What does this make me? It actually makes me feel needy and I don't like it. I do like to help people and I always want the best for them but I think its really starting to bite me in the ***. I just cant be fake. Don't ask me to accept everything and keep my mouth shut if you cant. There has to be some type of boundaries that I can set. I will not let anyone get in my business and I will stay out of theirs. I will just listen and not make any suggestions. My new phrase will be "that sucks". I guess that's all I can do!!!

On to better topics...

We went to the beach yesterday. It was fun. There were tides pools that were perfect for the girls. They loved it!!! The weather was nice and the water was warm, it was a perfect day.
My next cake adventures....
I will be making a Red Bull can, a chic fil a sheet cake, a watermelon, and a couple of children's birthday cakes that are yet to be determined. I will definitely put up the pics as soon as they are finished. These cakes will probably be much easier since I now have a Air Brush kit!!! Thanks to my awesome hubby.Does anyone have suggestions for the cakes??

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My trip to Ohio

I've been in Ohio now for a week. It's fun to be here and visit with my family but I sure do miss home! The girls have sooo much fun with their cousins and I love watching them all play together. It's always weird when I come back home. I have all of these memories rushing back to me from when I was a little girl. Everything seemed so much bigger then. I can't imagine living in such a small town! I am definitely a big city girl.

Have any of you heard of Sinupret for kids? It is an all natural syrup for healthy sinus, respiratory, and immune system. It contains natural ingredients and is recommended by well known pediatrician Dr. Sears. Some of you have to know who he is!!! If you are interested in a coupon I have some left to give away. Just let me know and I will give you some!!!

Hope you like the pics!!!

Peace and Love,


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fun times and a lil gossip...hehe

I went to Amelia Island last Friday to visit my friend Ashley. We had a great time! It is beautiful out there..... We went to the nature center and watched the caregivers feed some of the fish and animals, it was pretty cool. I haven't seen Ashley in 2 years but it felt like we hadn't been away from each other that long at all. We just got right back off where we started. I love having friends like that.....
Ashley has a website and blog that you should all check out. It is Take a look!!
**Did you guys hear about Sarah Jessica Parker? She is having twins via surrogate this summer!! Twin girls at that! Isn't that awesome?? I'm sooo excited for her. Having daughters is gonna rock her world and she will be loving it!
**What is up with this swine flu people? I mean really, now pigs are killing people? What's next? A toddler in Texas is the 1st person in the U.S to die from this!!! How do we prepare??

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My 1st cheeseburger cake!

So, I made my first CHEESEBURGER cake yesterday!! My husband wanted it for his co-worker Jeff who they all call "Cheeseburger". It was my first experience coloring fondant and it was really easy. I have always felt more comfortable working with butter cream icing but now I am excited to do more fondant stuff. I also made the cake from scratch. It is called a 1-2-3-4 cake and it kinda tastes close to a sugar cookie! The whole process from start to finish was about 6 hours but well worth it. I told my hubby he better bring me a piece home!!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Mommy Jewelry!

Isn't this necklace cute? I told my hubby I wanted one for Mothers Day. It is sterling silver and the price is $60 for one disc and $30 for each additional disc with $5 shipping. It is really simple but I love that you can just wear it everyday!! The website is It was started a year and a half ago by 2 stay at home moms. This kinda gives me hope that I can turn my hobbies into a business. Do any of you know of any hip mom jewelry?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Im looking for a playgroup....

So, I joined a playgroup on When I joined the group you weren't able to view the profile and when I went to look at it after, nothing existed!!!! That is weird.... I got an email saying thanks for joining blah blah and that the group leader would contact me soon so, we shall see! Anyway, have any of you joined a playgroup or thought about it? I just want to have more social and exercise time with the girls ya know?! Lately it seems that I cant get a play date setup.... oh well I'm gonna keep trying. It will also be a good way for me to make friends with similar interests. It would nice to have more friends that are moms to younger children. Do you guys have any suggestions?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This whole pageant drama is bothering me. We live in a free country!! Why is Miss California not allowed to speak her opinion without scrutiny? It amazes me that there is so much publicity surrounding this like it is a REAL ISSUE!!!! She was asked her opinion and she gave it end of story. She has faith and she stuck to her beliefs. What is so wrong with that? There is never gonna be an answer to that question that everyone agrees with. Check out this article..

Friday, April 17, 2009

Cute Easter accessories

Here are some things I made for this Easter!! The rosette (black and white) was attached to my youngest daughters dress but I will turn it into a hair accessory soon. My oldest wore the daisy in her hair to church and the egg for other Easter activities. The small flower clip was in my youngest girls hair for church. Aren't they adorable?? I also made a purple egg for a friend that she wore for church. These were fun and easy to make. I hope everyone likes them!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Important video by Nicole Richie

Please everyone.... Check out this video by Nicole Richie. She is right about our generation, we can help.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Top Chef Tour!! and some exciting baking news!!

So, I went downtown today to the Hemming Plaza to see the Top Chef Tour. Richard and Sandee were there doing a cooking demo!! They were both very nice and I got autographed pictures of both of them. My friend Anna went with me and she bought us both a Top Chef shirt. They were food vendors and plant vendors too. I bought an orchid for my living room for ten bucks!!

Has anyone heard of The Great American Bake-Off? It is a bake sale that supports after school programs. Anna and I are going to set one up here in Jax. If you would like to help that would be great!! I will probably make some cupcakes and cookies, maybe a cake I'm not sure yet. We are thinking of having it at an apartment community in Mandarin that actually has a after school program on site. I hope it goes well and raises some money for the kids!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

And then there were 3.....

Wow!! I have three followers. You guys need to let me know what type of hair thing you would like and I will make it. Ash, find out what the nieces like and I will make it!! Mel, maybe I can match something for school or extracurricular just lemme know! Sarah, just tell me already!!!

So, I went to the Riverside Arts Market this weekend. It was pretty cool but i must say they didn't have anything like I make there. I am thinking of renting a space to sell there and seeing how it goes! I will put out all of my hair things, flax seed bags, and maybe some jewelry.They had a lot of handcrafted jewelry makers there and it was little overwhelming. Does anyone have any suggestions for me, especially since I will be selling at an outdoor market place? I think I will price things fairly and that shouldn't be an issue but any other advice would be great!!!

P.S. What do you think of this necklace? It was made for a friend who helped in the design process.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I have put together a little sample of my awesome hair bows so everyone can see what I make!!! I also can make custom designs so if you have an idea let's talk about it. If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me a message and I will be happy to answer them. Thanks!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring is in the air!

I planted lots of flowers this weekend and it made me think of lots of things I could do with the accessories business. I have alot of creative ideas on how to display my hairbows and jewelry. Soon I will post some pics of my first displays and hopefully I will get some feedback from my peeps. How is everyones Easter plans going? We are definitely gonna have an Easter egg hun like normal! Im excited that Lorelei is now at the age where this will be sooo much fun to her. She is gonna love it!! All the colorful eggs and a little basket to carry around, she is gonna flip. This child will carry anything like it is a purse. Delaney and her are just alike in that aspect, they both love to be pretty. The funny thing is that I grew up a tomboy!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

My first follower!

Okay I am sooo proud to say that I have a subscriber. Thank you Sarah!!! She is the only one that has looked that actually subscribed so props to her. She will receive a free hairbow of her choosing for precious lil Georgia. Sarah just let me know when you want to pick it out!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bayard Antique mall-Jax, FL

Has anyone ever been there? It is pretty cool. There are like twenty or so little houses and you can rent them out. The price is very fair and I might be getting one. I will sell my hairbows, flaxseed bags, cake services, pillowcase dresses and jewelry. I think that the market is more driven towards handmade goods as gifts because its more special and alot of the time one of a kind!! Tell me what you know about the Antique mall or give me some more ideas!!


My first blog!!

So, I am totally new to this and kinda excited..... I felt like a blog would be a good place to share some of my ideas with people. I am a stay at home mom to 2 beautiful girls. They are 4 years and 16 months. I am elated to have them. I always wanted 2 daughters and thats what god blessed me with. Since, I adore them sooo much I make alot of things for them. I make cakes, hairbows, scrapbooks, jewelry and more. Thats just to name a few of my faves! I will put up some pics and will be happy to answer questions!