Monday, January 20, 2014

Workout of the day but NO MAKEUP!!

Today was Chest Day: 

4 sets of 10 all day long baby!! 
Chest press-20lbs
Incline press-15lbs
Chest press machine-30lbs
Incline machine-30lbs
Shoulder Press-12.5lbs
Cable Flys- 2.5/5/7.5 (3 ways) I also did some cable pulls on the bench where you hold one arm stationary and pull with the other. I might need to film that one for  you because Im sure thats hard to understand. Haha

The grand finale was 10 minutes on the stairmaster on level 8. 

Dont I look purty?? No makeup for me today because I didnt wanna wear any!! I was off for MLK and loved every minute of it. 

My life story! ^


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